Van Gogh’s Inner Struggle


Van_gogh's_inner_struggle_liesbeth_heenk_secrets_of_van_gogh_coverVan Gogh’s Inner Struggle – Life, Work and Mental Illness is part #2 of the series Secrets of Van Gogh. Using Van Gogh’s own letters as the primary source, I discuss the artist’s life, his approach to his work and his hereditary mental illness. The letters reveal a man who took struggling in his stride, no matter how gloomy the future.

Reading the letters again was fascinating. Especially with the particular focus on struggling with his mental illness, the dilemma between selling and not selling, and how he viewed himself as an artist.

Whereas the artist knew what was sellable, he continued to produce what he considered as ‘truthful’ art, regardless of current taste. He did not expect the art-buying public to understand the rough appearance of his work.

He acknowledged that being an artist involved struggle, but believed that he would benefit from adversity, personally as well as professionally. “No victory without a battle, no battle without suffering.”

In Van Gogh’s case it seems to have involved a never ending battle against poverty, isolation and adversity. Given his circumstances – being financially dependent upon his brother, not selling, being mentally ill, and getting minimal recognition – his achievements are amazing.

Reader's Favorite Five Stars for Van Gogh's Inner StruggleVan Gogh’s Inner Struggle received a Five stars from Readers’ Favorite when it was reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford on 23 February 2018. She writes:

Dutch Post-Impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) was a troubled soul, one that sought to identify himself through his art. Part of the allure, the attraction, the mystery and the myths that draw people to Van Gogh’s paintings is the mystique that surrounds him. Was he mad? Was his childhood troubled? Or did he suffer some unexplained affliction, something not understood during his lifetime? Did he cut off his own ear? Or was it an accident, part of some rough-housing with his artist friend, Paul Gauguin? Did Van Gogh kill himself? Was that the ultimate tragedy that defined him for generations of artists who followed? Or was the artist hiding some facts, that perhaps some children had accidentally shot him, causing his early death?

So many unanswered questions about a powerfully creative, but sadly disturbed mind. Art historian Liesbeth Heenk opens the door to a deeper understanding of this very troubled artist. Her book, Van Gogh’s Inner Struggle: Life, Work and Mental Illness, uses academic studies by other historians as well as a wealth of correspondence, particularly between the artist and his younger brother, Theo. This book outlines not just the artist’s life, but more significantly, the illness that plagued him and drove him to create and paint as he did. The author/art historian has allowed the artist to speak primarily for himself through all the papers she sourced. With years of study and research behind her, including her PhD thesis on the topic of Van Gogh’s drawings, the author has altered her initial opinion on this artist, allowing, through the artist’s own words, to draw yet another conclusion into the inner workings of this creative mind. This is a very valuable and insightful work, written to instruct both the academic and the art enthusiast. Fascinating.

Van Gogh’s Inner Struggle is not an art book, but one that should give food for thought. I hope it sheds a new light on this fascinating artist who was so forwardlooking, persevering and brave.

You can download Van Gogh’s Inner Struggle now

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“Intriguing book into the mind of Vincent Van Gogh”

“Very sensitive tribute to a sensitive artist”

“Interesting Insights into Van Gogh’s Inner Struggles”

“Fascinating to jump into the mind of this creative genius”

“A book that raises important philosophical questions”

“Satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment to the biographer for a well written book!”

“A true historical biography of a great artist”


La_lutte_interieure_de_van_goghLa lutte intérieure de Van Gogh par Liesbeth Heenk fait partie de la série « Les secrets de Van Gogh »

Puisant ses informations à la source dans la propre correspondance de Vincent van Gogh, l’auteur disserte sur la vie de l’artiste, et la vision qu’il avait de son travail et de sa maladie mentale.

Les lettres révèlent que la vie du peintre ne fut pas une partie de plaisir. Alors que Van Gogh savait pertinemment ce qui se vendait, il continua de produire un art honnête et « véridique », sans se soucier du goût du jour.

Il ne s’attendait pas à ce que les acheteurs comprennent l’apparence brute de son travail. Van Gogh reconnaissait que le fait d’être artiste supposait tout simplement un combat quotidien, mais il était convaincu qu’il tirerait profit de l’adversité, sur le plan personnel et professionnel. « Pas de victoire sans bataille, pas de bataille sans souffrances ». Dans le cas de Van Gogh, ce fut une bataille sans trêve contre la précarité, l’isolement et l’adversité.

Compte-tenu de ses circonstances – il était financièrement dépendant de son frère Théo van Gogh, ne vendait rien et était à peine connu – ses réalisations sont purement extraordinaires. Ceci n’est pas un livre sur l’art de Van Gogh, mais sur sa vie d’artiste et d’homme. Lisez-le, vous n’en apprécierez et comprendrez que mieux son travail.

Une exploration fascinante de la vie d’un génie torturé

Les secrets de Van Gogh 1 : Van Gogh – Portrait de l’artiste

Les secrets de Van Gogh 2 :La lutte intérieure de Van Gogh – Sa vie, son œuvre et sa maladie mentale

Les secrets de Van Gogh 3 : Van Gogh durera toujours – nouvelles. Un recueil de nouvelles brillamment composées sur la façon dont Van Gogh continue d’influencer notre vie quotidienne.

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Van_gogh_y_sus_cartas_a_theo_Misterios_de_van_goghVan Gogh y sus Cartas a Theo es la segunda parte de la serie Misterios de Van Gogh. La autora utiliza como fuente principal las cartas de Van Gogh y habla de la vida del artista, la cercanía de este con su trabajo y su enfermedad mental.

Las cartas demuestran que su vida no fue un camino de rosas. Van Gogh sabía que sus obras podían venderse, así que siguió creando de forma honesta, haciendo arte “de verdad”, a pesar del gusto de la mayoría.

No esperaba que el público entendiera la apariencia áspera de su trabajo. Van Gogh asumió que ser un artista significaba luchar, pero creyó que podría beneficiarse de la adversidad, tanto personal como profesionalmente.

“No se gana sin luchar y no se lucha sin sufrir”. Ser un artista conlleva sacrificios, pero en el caso de Van Gogh parece que también significó una batalla sin fin contra la pobreza, la soledad y la adversidad. Teniendo en cuenta sus circunstancias (era dependiente económicamente de su hermano, sus obras no se vendían y apenas se le reconocía su trabajo), sus logros son impresionantes. Esto no es un libro sobre el tipo de arte que Van Gogh creó. Este libro habla sobre su vida como artista y como ser humano. Al leerlo, será capaz de apreciar y entender sus obras mucho mejor.

Un libro bien escrito, con una lectura rápida y un punto de vista innovador – Dr Anthony Metivier

Recomiendo este libro a cualquier persona a la que le guste Van Gogh – Shanda Bisanz

Un homenaje muy emotivo a un artista muy sensible. Bien hecho. Leeré los otros libros de la serie. Él es mi pintor favorito – Jan Alyson

La autora ha hecho un gran trabajo recopilando datos históricos sobre este genial pintor. No se nota que sea pretenciosa como lo son muchas personas que trabajan en el mundo del arte. Lo recomiendo – Patti Abbott

¡Un libro genial! – Stoyan Georgiev

Una hora con Van Gogh es el primer libro de la serie Misterios de Van Gogh:

Misterios de Van Gogh 2: Van Gogh y sus cartas a Theo. Más allá de la leyenda se centra en la vida del artista y acerca al lector a su trabajo y a su enfermedad mental.

Misterios de Van Gogh 3: El legado de Van Gogh – Pequeños relatos. En este libro, el lector disfrutará con los relatos de ocho personas en las que el pintor influyó de alguna forma. Estas historias son el reflejo del poder de su personalidad y dejan claro que Van Gogh sigue siendo una inspiración para el mundo. Este no es un libro más sobre las pinturas de Van Gogh; este es un libro sobre cómo Van Gogh puede cambiar la vida de ocho personas aparentemente normales.

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